Beat Schenkel
Embodying one’s own name

Music, in its many forms, is one of the most essential pillars of my life – from an early age. Something that wants and needs to be nourished, expressed and shared with the world.
From my teenage days until the late twenties I always played in band projects as a guitarist. This included a Swiss-wide unplugged trio project where I took over the management – besides being a part of it.
Instead of becoming an expert on a single instrument, though, I mainly unconsciously worked on my feeling for music.
This beautiful evolution has led me to a place where, for example, I can comfortably sit down with a group of strangers and co-create a sound journey – without planning anything – switching between rhythm guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, harmonium, percussion instruments, vocals, … Simply letting music do the talking.
Besides music, I am also offering my web-developer and vegan cooking skills.